Welcome to our website’s resource library, where we offer an extensive collection of free science materials tailored for K-12 students. Dive into a wealth of educational resources including articles, activities, lesson plans, learning modules, and much more. All materials are free to download!

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  • Today, Smokey continues to teach people of all ages about the importance of preventing wildfires. Just how effective is Smokey’s…

    A Burning Question: Is An Ounce of Prevention Worth a Pound of Cure?

  • One of the historic uses of wood was for heating. In recent years, however, most heating in the United States…

    A Chip Off the Old Block: Using Wood Energy to Heat Schools

  • The Did You Feel It? (DYFI) system allows Internet users to report earthquake data when they feel an earthquake. The…

    All Over the Map: Investigating the Did You Feel It? Citizen Science System

  • In “Batter Up,” learn about how engineers designed a test to determine baseball bat breakage rates for different types of…

    Batter Up: Investigating What Type of Wood Makes the Best Baseball Bat

  • In the Western United States, many of the forests have too many small trees. These small trees increase the risk…

    Chip and Truck: Comparing the Cost of Using Trees to Heat Buildings

  • The research in this monograph looks at the use of prairie strips, which are strips of native prairie plants that…

    Cream of the Crop: Assessing the Environmental Benefits of Prairie Strips

  • The questions you will answer in this FACTivity are: What are the advantages and disadvantages of having citizen scientists perform…

    FACTivity – Device-ive Science

  • In this FACTivity, you will research a recent natural disturbance that has been in the news in the past year.…

    FACTivity – Fight or Light?

  • In this FACTivity, you will get together with other students and brainstorm a list of challenges or concerns at your…

    FACTivity – Keeping It Local

  • In pairs or in groups, you will identify five policies that exist in your school and analyze who they affect,…

    FACTivity – Out of the Penalty Box

  • In this FACTivity, you will think about how you live and what artifacts you would like an archaeologist to find…

    FACTivity – The Whole Kit and Kaboodle

  • In this FACTivity, you will conduct a survey asking adults how they feel about Federal employees’ management of public lands,…

    FACTivity – Trust Is a Must