Welcome to our website’s resource library, where we offer an extensive collection of free science materials tailored for K-12 students. Dive into a wealth of educational resources including articles, activities, lesson plans, learning modules, and much more. All materials are free to download!
In the past, forest managers always put out wildfires. More recently, forest managers have discovered that fire can be a good thing for…
Keeping It Local: How Federal Wildfire Policy Is Implemented at the Local Level
In the past, forest managers always put out wildfires. More recently, forest managers have discovered that fire can be a good thing for some ecosystems. Wildfires are now sometimes allowed to burn rather than...
In this module, we will explore trees and what they need, and we will learn how tree seeds have gone…
Learning Module – Countdown to Moon Trees
In this module, we will explore trees and what they need, and we will learn how tree seeds have gone to space. Below you will find articles, videos, and activities...
The Ka‘ūpūlehu dry forest is located on the leeward size of the island of Hawai‘i. The forest land is owned…
Left High and Dry? Attempting to Restore a Tropical Dry Forest in Hawaii
The Ka‘ūpūlehu dry forest is located on the leeward size of the island of Hawai‘i. The forest land is owned by Kamehameha Schools, which is dedicated to preserving traditional Hawaiian...
Over the past decade, humans have introduced two species of Indo-Pacific lionfish (Pterois volitans and Pterois miles) into the Atlantic…
Lion In Wait: How Citizens Helped Scientists Identify a Rapid Invasion of Lionfish
Over the past decade, humans have introduced two species of Indo-Pacific lionfish (Pterois volitans and Pterois miles) into the Atlantic Ocean. These fishes have been seen in a wide range...
Learn about Smokey Bear’s work in wildfire prevention and meet some of the people who help him on his mission.…
Meet Smokey Bear’s Team
Learn about Smokey Bear’s work in wildfire prevention and meet some of the people who help him on his mission. Written for children from kindergarten through 2nd grade, “Meet Smokey...
Meet Smokey Bear and some of the people who work with him to prevent human-caused wildfires! This Reader is written…
Meet Smokey Bear’s Team – Vol. 1 No. 12
Meet Smokey Bear and some of the people who work with him to prevent human-caused wildfires! This Reader is written for children from kindergarten through 2nd grade and includes colorful...
The scientists in this study wanted to answer two questions: (1) How many people in the United States are projected…
Pack to Back: Investigating Backpacking and Other Backcountry and Wilderness Activities
The scientists in this study wanted to answer two questions: (1) How many people in the United States are projected to participate in four backcountry and wilderness activities in 2060...
Welcome to Smokey Bear LIVE, a distance learning adventure brought to you by the USDA Forest Service and the Natural…
Smokey Bear LIVE
Welcome to Smokey Bear LIVE, a distance learning adventure brought to you by the USDA Forest Service and the Natural Inquirer. There are currently three different Smokey Bear LIVE programs:...
Can you imagine observing, recording, and reporting the weather every single day? That is what Richard G. Hendrickson did—for 85…
Spotlight – Citizen Science for Life
Can you imagine observing, recording, and reporting the weather every single day? That is what Richard G. Hendrickson did—for 85 years! Read more about his work with the National Weather...
Woodsy Owl wants you to Lend a Hand, Care for the Land! Help him out by engaging in a citizen…
Spotlight – Citizen Science Resources
Woodsy Owl wants you to Lend a Hand, Care for the Land! Help him out by engaging in a citizen science project. This resource provides a list of ongoing citizen...
This spotlight explores how data collected by non-scientists can be used by scientists. The USA National Phenology Network is an…
Spotlight – Nature’s Notebook: Taking a Pulse of Our Planet
This spotlight explores how data collected by non-scientists can be used by scientists. The USA National Phenology Network is an organization that creates a database of non-scientists’ data about plants...
A food forest looks like a regular forest, but its plants also provide fresh fruits, nuts, mushrooms, herbs, and vegetables.…
Spotlight – What Is a Food Forest?
A food forest looks like a regular forest, but its plants also provide fresh fruits, nuts, mushrooms, herbs, and vegetables. Learn more about food forests and, in particular, Browns Mill...