Nancy Falxa Sonti
Northern Research Station
My favorite science experience was learning about the history of urban forests and the growth of urban trees through tree rings and then getting to share that information with community members. I’ve learned that one Baltimore forest patch is 100 years old, and another has trees that are almost 300 years old. I also like to learn about how local residents feel when they interact with trees and forests near where they live.
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The scientists in this study wanted to know three things: (1) Do visitors’ activities and reasons for using urban parks vary between landscaped and natural areas of New York City...
Where the Sidewalk Ends – Visitor Use of Natural and Landscaped Areas in Urban Parks
The scientists in this study wanted to know three things: (1) Do visitors’ activities and reasons for using urban parks vary between landscaped and natural areas of New York City...
Additional Resources
USDA Forest Service: Nancy Falxa Sonti
Learn more about Nancy Falxa Sonti's research at her Forest Service profile page.Visit Profile