Lindsay Campbell

Northern Research Station

Dr. Lindsay Campbell delivering a lecture in front of a colorful splatter backdrop

“My favorite science experience is any time I get to conduct semi-structured interviews. I enjoy having in-depth conversations with individuals about their involvement with the urban environment. I’ve interviewed public officials, natural resource managers, nonprofit employees, private contractors, business owners, and volunteer stewards. I have asked people questions about a range of topics. These topics include living memorials, stewardship in New York City, urban forestry, and urban agriculture policies and practices. I learn a great deal from my interviewees. Much of my work involves analyzing, synthesizing, and translating what they share with me.”

“[Another] favorite science experience is being in the field, interviewing and observing people. I love to learn more about the ways people connect to nature, create meaning, and build a sense of place and community.”

Additional Resources

  • USDA Forest Service: Lindsay Campbell

    Learn more about Lindsay Campbell's research at her Forest Service profile page.
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