Conor McGowan
Population Ecologist
Non Forest Service
My favorite science experiences always involve being out in the field with the animals I am studying. The best one has to be when I trapped and banded waved albatross in the Galapagos Islands as an undergraduate student. The Galapagos Islands are such a beautiful, amazing place, and the waved albatross are such powerful, awesome birds.
Featured from Natural Inquirer
In this study, scientists wanted to examine how the harvest of horseshoe crabs in Delaware Bay affects the red knot. The red knot is a migratory bird. The red knot...
Tying the Knot: How Do Horseshoe Crab and Red Knot Populations Affect Each Other?
In this study, scientists wanted to examine how the harvest of horseshoe crabs in Delaware Bay affects the red knot. The red knot is a migratory bird. The red knot...