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  • Dr. Steve Taylor is a research associate with the Zoology Department, Denver Museum of Science & Nature and an Associate…

    Steve Taylor

  • Ben Miller is a karst hydrologist working with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Lower Mississippi-Gulf Water Science Center in Nashville,…

    Ben Miller

  • Fernando Hernandez grew up in Monterrey, Mexico where he loved to search for fossils and peek underneath rocks to see…

    Fernando Hernandez

  • Dr. Barton was the star of “Journey into Amazing Caves” the IMAX film on caves and exploration. Dr. Barton’s research…

    Hazel Barton

  • Gretchen Baker is an ecologist at Great Basin National Park. She started visiting caves when she was a child on…

    Gretchen Baker

  • Limaris “Lima” Soto is the program assistant for two National Park Service (NPS) internships Geoscientists-in-the-Parks and Mosaics in Science with…

    Limaris “Lima” Soto

  • Barb Beasley is a paleontologist with the USDA Forest Service.  She received B.S. from University of Tennessee at Martin, TN…

    Barbara Beasley

  • Hello Everyone! I’ve worked for the Forest Service for over 15 years, and I just recently became a District Ranger…

    Johanna Kovarik

  • I like being a scientist because I learned the building blocks of how things work in the natural world around…

    Laurie Tysdal

  • I like being a scientist because I get to play detective. I search for answers to avalanche problems faced by…

    Karl Birkeland