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  • Scott Horn is an entomologist who asks questions about the impacts of forest management on insect communities. He is interested…

    Scott Horn

  • I enjoy my field research because I have the opportunity to observe the natural beauty of the field sites. Field…

    Conor Fair

  • My favorite science experience is observing animals in their natural environment, whether they are small mammals, bats, or chimpanzees.

    Susan Loeb

  • When I was a graduate student, I studied the rain forest in Costa Rica. I was studying how climate influenced…

    Joe O’Brien

  • My favorite experience as a scientist was discovering a new species. I was working on Japanese beetles at the time…

    James Hanula

  • My favorite experiences are catching uncommon bees throughout North America with fellow bee scientists (called “melittologists”) and identifying them in…

    Joan Milam

  • My favorite experience is discovering exciting birds and insects in our backyards and neighborhood parks. I spend a lot of…

    Susannah Lerman

  • My favorite science experience was working with subterranean termites that have a complex social system. They are important contributors to…

    Joe Mulrooney

  • My favorite science experience was collecting insects in French Guiana while I was in graduate school. Grench Guiana is a…

    Michael Ulyshen

  • I was constantly exposed to farm life and the great outdoors when I was young. My early experiences led me…

    Agenor Mafra-Neto