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  • Ph.D., Northern Arizona University USDA Forest Service Scientist A wildlife biologist studies wild animals and their habitat.

    Roy Lopez, Wildlife Biologist

  • Ph.D., Southern Illinois University USDA Forest Service Scientist As a wildlife biologist, I study the functions and interactions between small predators…

    Damon B. Lesmeister, Research Wildlife Biologist

  • Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, Amherst USDA Forest Service Scientist Wildlife biologists study animals and how animals interact with their environment. …

    Dave King, Research Wildlife Biologist

  • Ph.D., Clemson University USDA Forest Service Scientist A wildlife biologist is a person who studies how to manage animal populations…

    Paul Hamel, Wildlife Biologist & Ornithologist

  • Ph.D., Northern Arizona University USDA Forest Service Scientist A wildlife biologist studies terrestrial wildlife species (mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians)…

    Joe Ganey, Research Wildlife Biologist

  • B.S., University of Idaho USDA Forest Service Scientist A wildlife biologist collects and shares information to ensure that wildlife species’…

    Nöel Fletcher, Wildlife Biologist

  • Ph.D., University of Wyoming – Laramie USDA Forest Service Scientist A wildlife biologist studies living organisms such as birds, mammals,…

    Deborah Finch, Research Wildlife Biologist

  • M.S., Texas State University USDA Forest Service Scientist A wildlife biologist studies wild animals in their habitats.  A wildlife biologist applies…

    Brian E. Dickerson, Wildlife Biologist

  • M.S., University of Nebraska USDA Forest Service Scientist As a wildlife biologist, I study wildlife and how they interact with the…

    Chris Colt, Wildlife Biologist

  • Ph.D., University of Washington USDA Forest Service Scientist A wildlife biologist studies terrestrial wildlife species (mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians)…

    Keith Aubry, Wildlife Biologist