Welcome to our website’s resource library, where we offer an extensive collection of free science materials tailored for K-12 students. Dive into a wealth of educational resources including articles, activities, lesson plans, learning modules, and much more. All materials are free to download!
Ph.D., University of Michigan USDA Forest Service Scientist A wetlands ecologist studies land based ecosystems that often flood or ponds…
Diane DeSteven, Wetlands Ecologist
Ph.D., University of Michigan USDA Forest Service Scientist A wetlands ecologist studies land based ecosystems that often flood or ponds with water, such as swamps and marshes. My specialty is...
My favorite science experience was working with people in another culture to help them see their natural environment from a…
Katherine Ewel
My favorite science experience was working with people in another culture to help them see their natural environment from a different viewpoint. Making the right management decisions often depends on...
My favorite science experience is working in the field and observing the plants and animals of different habitats. I can…
Diane De Steven
My favorite science experience is working in the field and observing the plants and animals of different habitats. I can get a break from city noises, hear the quiet sounds...
My favorite science experiences are conducting field research along rivers and in the tropics. Recently, I have had the fortune…
Mary Harner
My favorite science experiences are conducting field research along rivers and in the tropics. Recently, I have had the fortune to study the ecology of bats on the island of...