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  • Ph.D., Purdue University USDA Forest Service Scientist A social scientist in the USDA Forest Service studies what people think and…

    Kristin Floress, Social Scientist

  • Ph.D., University of Michigan USDA Forest Service Scientist A research social scientist studies the relationships between people and the environment.

    David Flores, Research Social Scientist

  • Ph.D., University of Wisconsin – Madison Member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation USDA Forest Service Scientist A forester/social scientist studies…

    Mike Dockry, Research Forest & Social Scientist

  • Ph.D., North Carolina State University USDA Forest Service Scientist A social scientist studies people’s values, opinions, beliefs, and attitudes (VOBAs). …

    Ken Cordell, Social Scientist

  • Ph.D., Rutgers University USDA Forest Service Scientist Human geographers study how people interact with places.  With my focus on nature…

    Lindsay Campbell, Social Scientist

  • Some of my favorite science experiences are listening to older people talk about the way things were in the past…

    Carol Raish

  • “My favorite science experience is any time I get to conduct semi-structured interviews. I enjoy having in-depth conversations with individuals…

    Lindsay Campbell

  • My favorite science experience is speaking with people in cities who are caring for the environment. I like asking them…

    Erika Svendsen

  • My favorite science experience was helping cross-country skiers and snowmobile users work together to make decisions. They both wanted to…

    Steven Daniels

  • My favorite science experiences involve traveling to cool places and learning new things. My work has taken me around the…

    Lincoln Larson