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Ph.D., University of Maryland USDA Forest Service Scientist Oikos is the Greek root word for “household.” It is also the…
Trista Patterson, Economist
Ph.D., University of Maryland USDA Forest Service Scientist Oikos is the Greek root word for “household.” It is also the root of the word “economy” and “ecology!” Good managment of...
Ph.D., Duke University USDA Forest Service Scientist A forest economist uses the tools of economic analysis to study the interactions…
Evan Mercer, Forest Economist
Ph.D., Duke University USDA Forest Service Scientist A forest economist uses the tools of economic analysis to study the interactions between people and forests relating to forest conservation and management.
Ph.D., The University of Washington USDA Forest Service Scientist Social science includes various academic disciplines that study people and human…
Linda Kruger, Social Scientist
Ph.D., The University of Washington USDA Forest Service Scientist Social science includes various academic disciplines that study people and human society including sociology, anthropology, geography, political science, and economics.
Ph.D., University of Washington USDA Forest Service Scientist An urban health scientist studies how urban environments affect the health of…
Michelle Kondo, Urban Health Scientist
Ph.D., University of Washington USDA Forest Service Scientist An urban health scientist studies how urban environments affect the health of people living in urban areas.
Ph.D., University of Georgia USDA Forest Service Scientist A natural resource sociologist looks at humans and their relationship to the…
Cassandra Johnson Gaither, Natural Resource Sociologist
Ph.D., University of Georgia USDA Forest Service Scientist A natural resource sociologist looks at humans and their relationship to the natural world.
M.A., California State University, Bakersfield USDA Forest Service Scientist Archeology is the study of history and the period before written…
Margaret Hangan, Archeologist
M.A., California State University, Bakersfield USDA Forest Service Scientist Archeology is the study of history and the period before written history, known as prehistory, using artifacts and other physical objects.
Ph.D., Yale University USDA Forest Service Scientist A sociologist studies the relationships among people’s behavior and social institutions, rules, and…
J. Morgan Grove, Sociologist
Ph.D., Yale University USDA Forest Service Scientist A sociologist studies the relationships among people’s behavior and social institutions, rules, and organizations.
Ph.D., North Carolina State University USDA Forest Service Scientist A forest economist seeks to understand human decisions that impact forests.
Gregory Frey, Forest Economist
Ph.D., North Carolina State University USDA Forest Service Scientist A forest economist seeks to understand human decisions that impact forests.
Ph.D., Purdue University USDA Forest Service Scientist A social scientist in the USDA Forest Service studies what people think and…
Kristin Floress, Social Scientist
Ph.D., Purdue University USDA Forest Service Scientist A social scientist in the USDA Forest Service studies what people think and do in relation to natural recources and the environment.
Ph.D., University of Michigan USDA Forest Service Scientist A research social scientist studies the relationships between people and the environment.
David Flores, Research Social Scientist
Ph.D., University of Michigan USDA Forest Service Scientist A research social scientist studies the relationships between people and the environment.