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  • Ph.D., University of Maryland USDA Forest Service Scientist Oikos is the Greek root word for “household.”  It is also the…

    Trista Patterson, Economist

  • Ph.D., Duke University USDA Forest Service Scientist A forest economist uses the tools of economic analysis to study the interactions…

    Evan Mercer, Forest Economist

  • Ph.D., The University of Washington USDA Forest Service Scientist Social science includes various academic disciplines that study people and human…

    Linda Kruger, Social Scientist

  • Ph.D., University of Washington USDA Forest Service Scientist An urban health scientist studies how urban environments affect the health of…

    Michelle Kondo, Urban Health Scientist

  • Ph.D., University of Georgia USDA Forest Service Scientist A natural resource sociologist looks at humans and their relationship to the…

    Cassandra Johnson Gaither, Natural Resource Sociologist

  • M.A., California State University, Bakersfield USDA Forest Service Scientist Archeology is the study of history and the period before written…

    Margaret Hangan, Archeologist

  • Ph.D., Yale University USDA Forest Service Scientist A sociologist studies the relationships among people’s behavior and social institutions, rules, and…

    J. Morgan Grove, Sociologist

  • Ph.D., North Carolina State University USDA Forest Service Scientist A forest economist seeks to understand human decisions that impact forests.

    Gregory Frey, Forest Economist

  • Ph.D., Purdue University USDA Forest Service Scientist A social scientist in the USDA Forest Service studies what people think and…

    Kristin Floress, Social Scientist

  • Ph.D., University of Michigan USDA Forest Service Scientist A research social scientist studies the relationships between people and the environment.

    David Flores, Research Social Scientist