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  • My favorite science experience was researching snowmobilers and snowcoach riders in Yellowstone National Park. A snowcoach is like a van…

    Bill Borrie

  • My favorite science experience was interviewing residents of a small town about the places that were important to them. They…

    Adam Liljeblad

  • Ph.D., University of Minnesota USDA Forest Service Scientist Environmental social scientists study a wide variety of topics involving people, society,…

    Daniel R. Williams, Environmental Social Scientist

  • M.S., North Carolina State University USDA Forest Service Scientist As a social scientist, I study the ways that landowners and natural…

    Sarah Wiener, Social Scientist

  • B.A., Grinnell College USDA Forest Service Scientist As an archaeologist, I work with partners, volunteers, and tribes to survey, record, protect,…

    Neil Weintraub, Archaeologist

  • Ph.D., University of Montana USDA Forest Service Scientist As a resource economist and computer modeler, I study how people choose to use and…

    David Wear, Resource Economist & Computer Modeler

  • Ph.D., University of Wyoming USDA Forest Service Scientist Environmental economists study the way people interact with nature.  This research includes how…

    Travis Warziniack, Environmental Economist

  • Ph.D., Columbia University USDA Forest Service Scientist A social scientist studies people including individuals, groups, and organizations.

    Dr. Erika S. Svendsen, Social Scientist

  • Ph.D., University of Arizona USDA Forest Service Scientist A forester/anthropologist studies the diversity of ways that people talk about, value,…

    John Schelhas, Forester & Anthropologist

  • Ph.D., University of California, Riverside USDA Forest Service Scientist Environmental economist study the interaction between people and nature. My research…

    José J. Sánchez, Environmental Economist