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Ph.D., University of Vermont USDA Forest Service Scientist A social scientist studies interactions among individuals, groups, and societies.
Monika Derrien, Social Scientist
Ph.D., University of Vermont USDA Forest Service Scientist A social scientist studies interactions among individuals, groups, and societies.
Hello friends! My name is Annie Hermansen-Baez and I’ve worked with the Forest Service for over 20 years. I started…
Annie Hermansen-Baez
Hello friends! My name is Annie Hermansen-Baez and I’ve worked with the Forest Service for over 20 years. I started with the Forest Service in Athens, GA but I have...
Shona provides archaeological and cultural resource management support to the U.S. Forest Service at the Craig and Thorne Bay Ranger…
Shona Pierce
Shona provides archaeological and cultural resource management support to the U.S. Forest Service at the Craig and Thorne Bay Ranger Districts on Prince of Wales Island in Southeast Alaska. Growing...
Risa Carlson has been an archaeologist for 38 years working throughout Alaska, with 15 of those years with the U.S.…
Risa Carlson
Risa Carlson has been an archaeologist for 38 years working throughout Alaska, with 15 of those years with the U.S. Forest Service in Southeast Alaska. She received her B.S. from...
My favorite science experience is figuring out creative ways of collecting data that can help us understand interactions between people…
Monika Derrien
My favorite science experience is figuring out creative ways of collecting data that can help us understand interactions between people and nature. I enjoy working with people who have different...
Ph.D., University of Florida USDA Forest Service As an educator, I identify, design, and deliver opportunities for visitors to our…
Tinelle Bustam, Educator and Social Scientist
Ph.D., University of Florida USDA Forest Service As an educator, I identify, design, and deliver opportunities for visitors to our national forests to strengthen and deepen their connections to the...
My favorite science experiences have involved observing the positive things that can come from neighborhood greening. Greening can bring jobs…
Michelle Kondo
My favorite science experiences have involved observing the positive things that can come from neighborhood greening. Greening can bring jobs to a community. In addition, learning about trees, participating in...
My favorite science experience is working with forest fire managers to apply economic concepts. Applying these concepts helps us understand…
Dave Calkin
My favorite science experience is working with forest fire managers to apply economic concepts. Applying these concepts helps us understand how best to balance taxpayers’ costs of managing wildfires against...
My favorite science experience is canoeing brackish water areas in the Chesapeake Bay, observing estuary wildlife like birds, crabs, snakes,…
Dan Loeffler
My favorite science experience is canoeing brackish water areas in the Chesapeake Bay, observing estuary wildlife like birds, crabs, snakes, and fish. An estuary is a body of water at...
My favorite science experience was spending a month in the tropical rainforest of Ecuador. I learned about tropical field biology…
Stephanie Grayzeck-Souter
My favorite science experience was spending a month in the tropical rainforest of Ecuador. I learned about tropical field biology while also exploring and experiencing cultures very different from my...