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Ph.D., West Virginia University USDA Forest Service Scientist A silviculturist is a forester who is just as concerned about what…
Melissa Thomas-Van Gundy, Silviculturist & Forester
Ph.D., West Virginia University USDA Forest Service Scientist A silviculturist is a forester who is just as concerned about what trees are left in the woods after a harvest than...
Ph.D., Yale University USDA Forest Service Scientist A silviculturist studies how to grow forests.
Mark Twery, Silviculturist
Ph.D., Yale University USDA Forest Service Scientist A silviculturist studies how to grow forests.
Ph.D., Yale University USDA Forest Service Scientist Silviculture is the art and science of growing trees to achieve the goals…
Susan L . Stout, Research Silviculturist
Ph.D., Yale University USDA Forest Service Scientist Silviculture is the art and science of growing trees to achieve the goals of the landowner. Silviculture can include creating a specific type...
Ph.D., University of Tennessee USDA Forest Service Scientist As a forest ecologist and silviculturist, I study patterns among the diverse…
Christopher Oswalt, Forest Ecologist & Silviculturist
Ph.D., University of Tennessee USDA Forest Service Scientist As a forest ecologist and silviculturist, I study patterns among the diverse processes and plants within forest ecosystems, as well as the...
Ph.D., University of Maine USDA Forest Service Scientist As a silviculturist, I study ways to sustainably manage forests for desired products…
Laura Kenefic, Silviculturist
Ph.D., University of Maine USDA Forest Service Scientist As a silviculturist, I study ways to sustainably manage forests for desired products and outcomes.