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Dr. Steve Taylor is a research associate with the Zoology Department, Denver Museum of Science & Nature and an Associate…
Steve Taylor
Dr. Steve Taylor is a research associate with the Zoology Department, Denver Museum of Science & Nature and an Associate Research Professor with Colorado College. He is interested in the...
My favorite science experience is learning about fire and its role in the earth sciences. Fire has touched my life…
Natasha Stavros
My favorite science experience is learning about fire and its role in the earth sciences. Fire has touched my life in a personal way because I grew up in Southern...
My favorite science experience is doing something unusual and at the border of things. In the following three paragraphs, see…
Joko Purbopuspito
My favorite science experience is doing something unusual and at the border of things. In the following three paragraphs, see if you can identify the borders at which I have...
The most satisfying moments in my job involve finding solutions to problems related to conservation. In the case of the…
Julien Martin
The most satisfying moments in my job involve finding solutions to problems related to conservation. In the case of the golden eagle study, for example, our goal was to help...