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Dr. Meier is a plant ecologist at the National Ecological Observatory Network. He investigates links between plants, soil microbes, nutrients,…
Courtney Meier
Dr. Meier is a plant ecologist at the National Ecological Observatory Network. He investigates links between plants, soil microbes, nutrients, and plant growth within the context of environmental change.
I am interested in studying California annual species that grow in the desert and I enjoy going out to the…
Alejandra Martinez-Berdeja
I am interested in studying California annual species that grow in the desert and I enjoy going out to the desert during the spring to see the flowers. I also...
My favorite science experiences are learning something new about how nature works and sharing what I know with students, especially…
Jonathan Coop
My favorite science experiences are learning something new about how nature works and sharing what I know with students, especially on top of a mountain.
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin USDA Forest Service Scientist A plant ecologist studies the way plants interact with their environment or…
David Peter, Plant Ecologist
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin USDA Forest Service Scientist A plant ecologist studies the way plants interact with their environment or with other organisms, including other plants.
Ph.D., Mississippi State University USDA Forest Service Scientist An ecologist studies low organisms interact with each other and the environment. …
Rima Lucardi, Plant, Molecular, & Invasion Ecologist
Ph.D., Mississippi State University USDA Forest Service Scientist An ecologist studies low organisms interact with each other and the environment. I use genetic tools to answer ecological questions related to...
Ph.D., University of New Mexico USDA Forest Service Scientist A plant ecologist studies plants and how they function on the…
Qinfeng Guo, Research Ecologist
Ph.D., University of New Mexico USDA Forest Service Scientist A plant ecologist studies plants and how they function on the landscape.
Ph.D., Colorado State University USDA Forest Service Scientist A plant ecologist studies plants and how they function on the landscape.
Dale Bartos, Plant Ecologist
Ph.D., Colorado State University USDA Forest Service Scientist A plant ecologist studies plants and how they function on the landscape.
My favorite science experience was completing a native and exotic grass study within the University of Arizona Biosphere 2. Biosphere…
Darin Law
My favorite science experience was completing a native and exotic grass study within the University of Arizona Biosphere 2. Biosphere 2 is a research facility where scientists perform experiments. Biosphere...
My favorite science experience is working with students to collect experimental data in the field. It is always a pleasure…
Dafeng Hui
My favorite science experience is working with students to collect experimental data in the field. It is always a pleasure to stimulate students’ interests and bring new students to this...
I’m very interested in the wildlife of gardens. My favorite project was one that showed just how much wildlife lives…
Ken Thompson
I’m very interested in the wildlife of gardens. My favorite project was one that showed just how much wildlife lives in a typical private garden. For me, however, the best...