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  • Dr. Meier is a plant ecologist at the National Ecological Observatory Network. He investigates links between plants, soil microbes, nutrients,…

    Courtney Meier

  • I am interested in studying California annual species that grow in the desert and I enjoy going out to the…

    Alejandra Martinez-Berdeja

  • My favorite science experiences are learning something new about how nature works and sharing what I know with students, especially…

    Jonathan Coop

  • Ph.D., University of Wisconsin USDA Forest Service Scientist A plant ecologist studies the way plants interact with their environment or…

    David Peter, Plant Ecologist

  • Ph.D., Mississippi State University USDA Forest Service Scientist An ecologist studies low organisms interact with each other and the environment. …

    Rima Lucardi, Plant, Molecular, & Invasion Ecologist

  • Ph.D., University of New Mexico USDA Forest Service Scientist A plant ecologist studies plants and how they function on the…

    Qinfeng Guo, Research Ecologist

  • Ph.D., Colorado State University USDA Forest Service Scientist A plant ecologist studies plants and how they function on the landscape.

    Dale Bartos, Plant Ecologist

  • My favorite science experience was completing a native and exotic grass study within the University of Arizona Biosphere 2. Biosphere…

    Darin Law

  • My favorite science experience is working with students to collect experimental data in the field. It is always a pleasure…

    Dafeng Hui

  • I’m very interested in the wildlife of gardens. My favorite project was one that showed just how much wildlife lives…

    Ken Thompson