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Barb Beasley is a paleontologist with the USDA Forest Service. She received B.S. from University of Tennessee at Martin, TN…
Barbara Beasley
Barb Beasley is a paleontologist with the USDA Forest Service. She received B.S. from University of Tennessee at Martin, TN in 1988, in Geosciences with a concentration in Geology and...
Ph.D., South Dakota School of Mines USDA Forest Service Scientist Paleontology is the study of past life on Earth, from…
Bruce A. Schumacher, Paleontologist
Ph.D., South Dakota School of Mines USDA Forest Service Scientist Paleontology is the study of past life on Earth, from single-celled organisms to vertebrate animals. A paleontologist thinks about the...
Ph.D., Yale University USDA Forest Service Scientist Paleontologists study fossils, and the rocks in which fossils occur, to understand how…
Michael Fracasso, Paleontologist & Geologist
Ph.D., Yale University USDA Forest Service Scientist Paleontologists study fossils, and the rocks in which fossils occur, to understand how ancient organisms lived. This focus enables paleontologists to document and...
M.S., Fort Hays State University USDA Forest Service Scientist As a paleontologist, I study plants and animals that are preserved in…
Barb Beasley, Paleontologist
M.S., Fort Hays State University USDA Forest Service Scientist As a paleontologist, I study plants and animals that are preserved in the earth. Essentially, I am a prehistoric wildlife biologist.