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B.S., University of Montana USDA Forest Service My work involves working outside, wilderness character monitoring, using horses and mules for…
Ellie Fitzpatrick, Wilderness Ranger & Conservation Educator
B.S., University of Montana USDA Forest Service My work involves working outside, wilderness character monitoring, using horses and mules for wilderness work, providing information to people who recreate, and organizing...
B.S., Arizona State University USDA Forest Service A partnership liaison builds relationships with individuals, organizations, agencies, and private groups. They…
Bec Veerman, Partnership Liaison
B.S., Arizona State University USDA Forest Service A partnership liaison builds relationships with individuals, organizations, agencies, and private groups. They work with the communities, partners, and volunteers to get people...
Only 5 percent of Hawai‘i’s dry tropical forest remains. A special science experience was having two different kinds of volunteer…
Yvonne Yarber Carter
Only 5 percent of Hawai‘i’s dry tropical forest remains. A special science experience was having two different kinds of volunteer groups help with our restoration efforts in the dry forest....
My favorite science experience was going with my father and uncle on Saturday mornings to the Pendergrast Chemical Company. Saturday…
Don Pendergrast
My favorite science experience was going with my father and uncle on Saturday mornings to the Pendergrast Chemical Company. Saturday afternoons were spent hunting through junk yards for pumps, pipes,...