Welcome to our website’s resource library, where we offer an extensive collection of free science materials tailored for K-12 students. Dive into a wealth of educational resources including articles, activities, lesson plans, learning modules, and much more. All materials are free to download!

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  • B.S., University of Maryland USDA Forest Service As an education specialist, I help create stories at the intersection of people,…

    Amtchat Edwards, Education and Partnership Specialist

  • Ph.D., University of Florida USDA Forest Service As an educator, I identify, design, and deliver opportunities for visitors to our…

    Tinelle Bustam, Educator and Social Scientist

  • M.S., University of Maryland USDA Forest Service As an environmental educator working on the Artemis Moon Trees project, I get…

    Rachel Bayer, Environmental Educator

  • My favorite science experience is working with nonscientists to answer scientific questions. Many students, SCUBA divers, and interested members of…

    Lad Akins

  • M.Ed., Montana State University USDA Forest Service A conservation education specialist facilitates, leads, and provides support to the forest-wide conservation…

    Teresa Wenum, Conservation Education Specialist

  • B.A., University of Montana USDA Forest Service As a manager for a year-round visitor center, I create engaging programs and…

    Sam Berglund, Visitor Center Manager

  • B.S., University of Idaho USDA Forest Service A district ranger is a leader within the Forest Service and local communities…

    Robert West, District Ranger

  • M.A., University of Illinois Chicago USDA Forest Service A Tribal relations specialist represents the Forest Service in dealing with Tribes,…

    Melyssa Navis, Tribal Relations Specialist

  • B.A., Dartmouth College USDA Forest Service As a program specialist for the Indian Youth Service Corps (IYSC), I coordinate and…

    LaTasha Wauneka, Program Specialist, Indian Youth Service Corps

  • B.A., University of Nebraska Omaha USDA Forest Service I am an information assistant at the Hood River Ranger District. Along…

    Victor Kikel, Information Assistant & Conservation Educator