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Christy Haas-Howard oversees the development, execution, and evaluation of health initiatives related to the environment. She collaborates with the conservation…
Christy Haas-Howard
Christy Haas-Howard oversees the development, execution, and evaluation of health initiatives related to the environment. She collaborates with the conservation and K-12 education teams to identify priority areas of common...
Dr. Steve Taylor is a research associate with the Zoology Department, Denver Museum of Science & Nature and an Associate…
Steve Taylor
Dr. Steve Taylor is a research associate with the Zoology Department, Denver Museum of Science & Nature and an Associate Research Professor with Colorado College. He is interested in the...
NASA A planetary scientist studies the planets, moons, and other bodies in our solar system and beyond. They archive data…
Dave Williams, Planetary Scientist
NASA A planetary scientist studies the planets, moons, and other bodies in our solar system and beyond. They archive data collected by spacecraft missions over the last 70 years, from...
USDA Forest Service and NASA As an astronaut on the Apollo 14 mission, Roosa brought seeds in his personal preference…
Stuart Roosa, USDA Forest Service Smokejumper and NASA Astronaut
USDA Forest Service and NASA As an astronaut on the Apollo 14 mission, Roosa brought seeds in his personal preference kit. These seeds orbited the Moon with him in 1971...
NASA I was responsible for building the mission timeline, developing procedures and flight rules that guide the spacecraft operations, training…
Rick LaBrode, Lead Flight Director for the Flight Control Team
NASA I was responsible for building the mission timeline, developing procedures and flight rules that guide the spacecraft operations, training the flight control teams, and carrying out the plan for...
NASA I was the NASA Landing and Recovery Director for the Exploration Ground Systems Program at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center…
Melissa Jones, Recovery Director for Landing and Recovery Team
NASA I was the NASA Landing and Recovery Director for the Exploration Ground Systems Program at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. I led the Artemis I Recovery Team that...
NASA I was responsible for the ascent and entry phases of Artemis I mission. I monitored the launch performance of…
Judd Frieling, Flight Director for the Artemis I Flight Control Team
NASA I was responsible for the ascent and entry phases of Artemis I mission. I monitored the launch performance of the engines, boosters, and propulsion stages- as well as Orion’s...
NASA As the launch director I oversaw the countdown and liftoff of NASA’s Space Launch System Rocket and Orion spacecraft…
Charlie Blackwell-Thompson, Artemis I Launch Director
NASA As the launch director I oversaw the countdown and liftoff of NASA’s Space Launch System Rocket and Orion spacecraft for Artemis I. I developed specific steps that the team...
M.A., Townson University USDA Forest Service I get to work on all of the publications that the Forest Service puts…
Amanda Perry, Writer & Editor
M.A., Townson University USDA Forest Service I get to work on all of the publications that the Forest Service puts out. Some of those publications are related to the Moon...
I like being a scientist because I can uncover answers to complex questions. I became interested in natural resources as…
Bill Hendricks
I like being a scientist because I can uncover answers to complex questions. I became interested in natural resources as a child when my family spent time in a park...