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My favorite science experience is working with a Stirling engine. A Stirling engine is an engine that can use any…
Martin Twer
My favorite science experience is working with a Stirling engine. A Stirling engine is an engine that can use any heat source to create energy. A Stirling engine is quieter...
I enjoyed studying coyotes in Yellowstone National Park because it involved trying to understand the mysteries of the daily life…
Robin Silverstein
I enjoyed studying coyotes in Yellowstone National Park because it involved trying to understand the mysteries of the daily life of a wild animal. I watched coyotes’ behavior, tracked their...
Ph.D., Oregon State University USDA Forest Service Scientist Landscape ecology differs from traditional ecology by including humans as a key…
Kurt Riitters, Landscape Ecologist
Ph.D., Oregon State University USDA Forest Service Scientist Landscape ecology differs from traditional ecology by including humans as a key component of ecosystems. We study how ecosystems are affected by...
Ph.D., University of New Hampshire USDA Forest Service Scientist Ecology is a Greek word – “ology” means “to study” and “eco”…
Steven McNulty, Landscape Ecologist
Ph.D., University of New Hampshire USDA Forest Service Scientist Ecology is a Greek word – “ology” means “to study” and “eco” means house. In this case, the house is the Earth,...
Ph.D., University of North Dakota USDA Forest Service Scientist A landscape ecologist studies how landscapes (ranging from large continents to…
Louis Iverson, Landscape Ecologist
Ph.D., University of North Dakota USDA Forest Service Scientist A landscape ecologist studies how landscapes (ranging from large continents to small fields) are put together and how they function to...
University of Georgia USDA Forest Service Scientist A landscape ecologist searches for the links between patterns and ecological processes across…
Bill Hargrove, Landscape Ecologist
University of Georgia USDA Forest Service Scientist A landscape ecologist searches for the links between patterns and ecological processes across large areas.
One of my favorite science experiences was going out in the Panamanian rainforest to find and study tropical songbirds. I…
John Withey
One of my favorite science experiences was going out in the Panamanian rainforest to find and study tropical songbirds. I lived close to Soberania National Park (next to the Panama...
My favorite science experience is coming up with new research questions based either on my current work or a new…
Stephen Matthews
My favorite science experience is coming up with new research questions based either on my current work or a new area of ecology. Then I like to go out and...
My favorite science experience is combining what I have learned and gaining insights. For example, I like to look at…
Anantha Prasad
My favorite science experience is combining what I have learned and gaining insights. For example, I like to look at information about climate change, topography, where different plant and animal...
My favorite science experience is finding out new (to me) patterns, trends, or functions of nature. It really is amazing…
Louis Iverson
My favorite science experience is finding out new (to me) patterns, trends, or functions of nature. It really is amazing how organisms interact with other organisms and their environment! One...