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  • My favorite scientific experiences involve understanding the geomorphic history of a given cave or cave area. Some geomorphic questions are,…

    Joel Despain

  • I am most interested in understanding how climate change is affecting watersheds. A watershed is an area of land from…

    Myron Mitchell

  • A favorite recent experience of mine was installing a series of flumes in several stream channels. We can use these…

    Stephanie Laseter

  • My favorite science experience is doing research to understand how water and contaminants move and how they are linked within…

    Fengjing Liu

  • My favorite science experiences generally involve one of three things: (1) finding a clear pattern from data I have collected,…

    Daniel Bain

  • My favorite science experience is being outside during a rainstorm. As a forest hydrologist, I study what happens to water…

    Will Summer

  • My favorite science experience is getting my ideas and study results published in scientific journals. That way, they will be…

    Ge Sun

  • I like being a scientist because I like the challenge of trying to understand how natural systems work so that…

    Frederick Scatena

  • I enjoy working to discover the secrets of the natural environment, such as the interactions between water and the surrounding…

    Qingfu Xiao