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Greg is a Hydrologist at the Prescott National Forest in Arizona. He provides watershed, water quality and water quantity information…
Greg Olsen
Greg is a Hydrologist at the Prescott National Forest in Arizona. He provides watershed, water quality and water quantity information to the Forest Rangers. Arizona forests have a wide range...
Mike works in Hydrology at the U.S. Forest Service where he spends his days protecting watershed health and helping the…
Mike Eberle
Mike works in Hydrology at the U.S. Forest Service where he spends his days protecting watershed health and helping the National Forests produce quality waters. He’s been active in water...
Ben Miller is a karst hydrologist working with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Lower Mississippi-Gulf Water Science Center in Nashville,…
Ben Miller
Ben Miller is a karst hydrologist working with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Lower Mississippi-Gulf Water Science Center in Nashville, Tennessee. Ben has an undergraduate degree from the University of...
My favorite science experience was when I was with a crew studying the vegetation in Beaver Creek Meadow in Rocky…
Roberto Bazan
My favorite science experience was when I was with a crew studying the vegetation in Beaver Creek Meadow in Rocky Mountain National Park. The wildlife we saw and experienced made...
Ph.D., University of Florida USDA Forest Service Scientist Hydrologists study the water cycle. Studying the water cycle means tracking water…
Ge Sun, Hydrologist
Ph.D., University of Florida USDA Forest Service Scientist Hydrologists study the water cycle. Studying the water cycle means tracking water movement from raindrops falling from sky to the ground, going...
Ph.D., Michigan State University USDA Forest Service Scientist A soil scientist studies the physical, chemical, and biological aspects of soils,…
Dan Neary, Soil Scientist & Hydrologist
Ph.D., Michigan State University USDA Forest Service Scientist A soil scientist studies the physical, chemical, and biological aspects of soils, how they are classified, how they function, and how water...
Ph.D., Utah State University USDA Forest Service Scientist Hydrologists study how water moves around the world, whether as streamflow, groundwater,…
Charles Luce, Hydrologist
Ph.D., Utah State University USDA Forest Service Scientist Hydrologists study how water moves around the world, whether as streamflow, groundwater, precipitation, or transpiration. Water is important to all life.
M.S., University of Georgia USDA Forest Service Scientist A forest hydrologist studies the water cycle. Where does water go after…
Stephanie Laseter, Hydrologist
M.S., University of Georgia USDA Forest Service Scientist A forest hydrologist studies the water cycle. Where does water go after it falls as a raindrop? We study how it travels...
Ph.D. candidate, Portland State University USDA Forest Service Scientist As a hydrologist, I study water in streams, soils, and plants.
Adelaide (Di) Johnson, Hydrologist
Ph.D. candidate, Portland State University USDA Forest Service Scientist As a hydrologist, I study water in streams, soils, and plants.
Each science experience is amazing, interesting, and fun in its own way. If I had to choose, however, my favorite…
Benjamin Tobin
Each science experience is amazing, interesting, and fun in its own way. If I had to choose, however, my favorite would be conducting dye traces at the Grand Canyon. This...