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  • Greetings from Albuquerque, New Mexico! I’m Apple Snider. Can you guess how I got my unique name? I’m the education…

    Apple Snider

  • Ph.D., University of California USDA Forest Service Scientist As a wildlife biologist and geographer, I focus on studying the effects…

    Jenny Rechel, Wildlife Biologist / Geographer

  • Gary Achtemeier

  • Ph.D., Oregon State University USDA Forest Service Scientist I help natural resources professionals consider how to change the management of…

    Chris Swanston, Climate Adaptation Specialist

  • One of my favorite science experiences was taking a whitewater rafting trip with other scientists. We rafted on the Middle…

    Nicholas Sutfin

  • M.N.R., University of Georgia USDA Forest Service Scientist As a natural resource analyst, I gather geographic and field data on forests…

    Christie Hawley, Natural Resource Analyst

  • Ph.D., Rutgers University USDA Forest Service Scientist Geography includes many different things like Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and maps.  However,…

    Marla R. Emery, Geographer

  • My favorite science experience is exploring the large amount of historical weather and climate data. I also like to look…

    John Abatzoglou

  • M.A., University of Alaska, Fairbanks USDA Forest Service A geographic information systems (GIS) coordinator supports resource specialists and the public…

    Kelsey Aho, Alaska Region GIS Coordinator

  • B.S., Unity College USDA Forest Service As a WebGIS coordinator, I aid others on 10 different forests and grasslands to…

    Jennifer Frazer, Web-Based Geospatial Information Specialist Coordinator