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Ph.D., University of California USDA Forest Service Scientist As a wildlife biologist and geographer, I focus on studying the effects…
Jenny Rechel, Wildlife Biologist / Geographer
Ph.D., University of California USDA Forest Service Scientist As a wildlife biologist and geographer, I focus on studying the effects of disturbance (fire, post-fire erosion, and drought) on bird populations...
Ph.D., Rutgers University USDA Forest Service Scientist Geography includes many different things like Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and maps. However,…
Marla R. Emery, Geographer
Ph.D., Rutgers University USDA Forest Service Scientist Geography includes many different things like Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and maps. However, one important focus of geography is the relationship between people...
My favorite experience was interviewing a man who grew up gathering plants in the forests. He had a lot of…
Marla Emery
My favorite experience was interviewing a man who grew up gathering plants in the forests. He had a lot of experience. He helped me understand many things about how local...
My favorite experience is hiking and looking at plants and trees. I never thought much about mushrooms until I started…
Elizabeth Barron
My favorite experience is hiking and looking at plants and trees. I never thought much about mushrooms until I started the morel mushroom project. At the time, I did not...
My favorite science experience is using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to uncover environmental patterns that were not previously known.
Timothy Wade
My favorite science experience is using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to uncover environmental patterns that were not previously known.