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My favorite science experience is working with forest fire managers to apply economic concepts. Applying these concepts helps us understand…
Dave Calkin
My favorite science experience is working with forest fire managers to apply economic concepts. Applying these concepts helps us understand how best to balance taxpayers’ costs of managing wildfires against...
My favorite science experience is canoeing brackish water areas in the Chesapeake Bay, observing estuary wildlife like birds, crabs, snakes,…
Dan Loeffler
My favorite science experience is canoeing brackish water areas in the Chesapeake Bay, observing estuary wildlife like birds, crabs, snakes, and fish. An estuary is a body of water at...
Ph.D., Duke University USDA Forest Service Scientist A forest economist uses the tools of economic analysis to study the interactions…
Evan Mercer, Forest Economist
Ph.D., Duke University USDA Forest Service Scientist A forest economist uses the tools of economic analysis to study the interactions between people and forests relating to forest conservation and management.
Ph.D., North Carolina State University USDA Forest Service Scientist A forest economist seeks to understand human decisions that impact forests.
Gregory Frey, Forest Economist
Ph.D., North Carolina State University USDA Forest Service Scientist A forest economist seeks to understand human decisions that impact forests.
My favorite science experience has been uncovering evidence that some wildfire arsonists set many wildfires over a few days in…
Jeff Prestemon
My favorite science experience has been uncovering evidence that some wildfire arsonists set many wildfires over a few days in bursts of fire setting. I also learned that arsonists likely...
My favorite science experience has been working on fire-related questions. There is so much we don’t know about wildfire and…
Karen Abt
My favorite science experience has been working on fire-related questions. There is so much we don’t know about wildfire and its role in our forests and, in particular, its role...
One of my favorite science experiences was finding ways to help poor farmers in isolated mountain villages in the Philippines…
Evan Mercer
One of my favorite science experiences was finding ways to help poor farmers in isolated mountain villages in the Philippines improve their farms. The villages were groups of 15-20 small...
My favorite science experience is evaluating large government programs and policies to see if they make financial sense. For example,…
Thomas Straka
My favorite science experience is evaluating large government programs and policies to see if they make financial sense. For example, should the State forestry agency hire more foresters to advise...
My favorite science experience is sharing the things I find out with people who can use them. In this photo,…
John Greene
My favorite science experience is sharing the things I find out with people who can use them. In this photo, I am discussing forest plans with Ms. Patricia Black.