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Sally Claggett works for the US Forest Service to improve watersheds through the amount and placement of forests. She focuses…
Sally Claggett
Sally Claggett works for the US Forest Service to improve watersheds through the amount and placement of forests. She focuses on the Chesapeake Bay watershed in the mid-Atlantic region. She...
My favorite experiences as a scientist are when I’m doing field work in burned forest habitat. I like working in…
Chad Hanson
My favorite experiences as a scientist are when I’m doing field work in burned forest habitat. I like working in fire areas where most of the trees were killed by...
Ph.D., University of Montana USDA Forest Service Scientist An applied forest ecologist develops new knowledge regarding the function and processes…
Christopher Woodall, Applied Forest Ecologist
Ph.D., University of Montana USDA Forest Service Scientist An applied forest ecologist develops new knowledge regarding the function and processes of forest ecosystems. This knowledge can have real impacts on...
M.S., Colorado State University USDA Forest Service Scientist A forest ecologist studies how forests work. We try to understand the…
Amanda Uowolo, Forest Ecologist
M.S., Colorado State University USDA Forest Service Scientist A forest ecologist studies how forests work. We try to understand the relationships between organisms and their environment.
Ph.D., Rutgers University USDA Forest Service Scientist A forest ecologist studies how plants and animals interact within a forest community. …
Nick Skowronski, Forest Ecologist
Ph.D., Rutgers University USDA Forest Service Scientist A forest ecologist studies how plants and animals interact within a forest community. Some of these scientists are particularly interested in how forests...
Ph.D., University of Maine USDA Forest Service Scientist A forest ecologist studies the interrelated patterns and processes of vegetation, animals,…
Lindsey Rustad, Forest Ecologist
Ph.D., University of Maine USDA Forest Service Scientist A forest ecologist studies the interrelated patterns and processes of vegetation, animals, energy, water and nutrients in forests.
Ph.D., University of Tennessee USDA Forest Service Scientist As a forest ecologist and silviculturist, I study patterns among the diverse…
Christopher Oswalt, Forest Ecologist & Silviculturist
Ph.D., University of Tennessee USDA Forest Service Scientist As a forest ecologist and silviculturist, I study patterns among the diverse processes and plants within forest ecosystems, as well as the...
Ph.D., University of Washington USDA Forest Service Scientist A forest ecologist studies the structure, composition, and processes that interact in…
Malcolm North, Forest Ecologist
Ph.D., University of Washington USDA Forest Service Scientist A forest ecologist studies the structure, composition, and processes that interact in a forest to provide different habitats for plants and animals.
Ph.D., Penn State University USDA Forest Service Scientist A forest ecologist studies forest changes to understand what it means for…
Steve Norman, Forest Ecologist
Ph.D., Penn State University USDA Forest Service Scientist A forest ecologist studies forest changes to understand what it means for forest values like clean air and water, wood products, wildlife...
Ph.D., University of Washington USDA Forest Service Scientist A forest ecologist studies the structure, composition, and processes that interact in…
Sean Healey, Forest Ecologist
Ph.D., University of Washington USDA Forest Service Scientist A forest ecologist studies the structure, composition, and processes that interact in a forest to provide different habitats for plants and animals. ...