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B.E., Colorado School of Mines USDA Forest Service I manage the fire, fuels, and aviation program in the Okanogan-Wenatchee National…
Kyle Cannon, Forest Fire Management Officer
B.E., Colorado School of Mines USDA Forest Service I manage the fire, fuels, and aviation program in the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest. I also serve as a type 1 operations section...
B.S., Stephen F. Austin State University USDA Forest Service I manage the prescribed fire and wildfire suppression program for the…
Debbie Beard, Forest Fire Management Officer
B.S., Stephen F. Austin State University USDA Forest Service I manage the prescribed fire and wildfire suppression program for the national forests in Florida. I am in charge of policy,...
High School USDA Forest Service A fire management officer for Job Corps trains, mentors, and leads young men and women…
Brandon Everett, Fire Management Officer, Job Corps Fire Program
High School USDA Forest Service A fire management officer for Job Corps trains, mentors, and leads young men and women to be better and provide public service as a firefighter....