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My favorite experiences as a scientist are when I’m doing field work in burned forest habitat. I like working in…
My favorite experiences as a scientist are when I’m doing field work in burned forest habitat. I like working in fire areas where most of the trees were killed by...
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Iowa USDA Forest Service My job includes teaching firefighters, speaking to communities at public events,…
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Iowa USDA Forest Service My job includes teaching firefighters, speaking to communities at public events, collaborating with others on issues related to fire ecology, consulting...
Ph.D., University of Florida USDA Forest Service Scientist A fire ecologist explores the interactions between wildland fire and plant communities. I study…
Ph.D., University of Florida USDA Forest Service Scientist A fire ecologist explores the interactions between wildland fire and plant communities. I study how fires burn and how forests grow and reassemble after fire.
Ph.D., University of Montana USDA Forest Service Scientist As a research fire ecologist, I study how vegetation, weather, and terrain interact…
Ph.D., University of Montana USDA Forest Service Scientist As a research fire ecologist, I study how vegetation, weather, and terrain interact to influence wildland fires.
Ph.D., University of Washington USDA Forest Service Scientist Ecology is the study of interactions between organisms and their environment. A…
Ph.D., University of Washington USDA Forest Service Scientist Ecology is the study of interactions between organisms and their environment. A fire ecologist studies fire as a disturbance process in the...
Ph.D., University of Montana USDA Forest Service Scientist Fire ecologists study how wildfire changes ecosystems. As a fire ecologist, I study the…
Ph.D., University of Montana USDA Forest Service Scientist Fire ecologists study how wildfire changes ecosystems. As a fire ecologist, I study the impacts of removing fire from, or changing how fires burn...
My favorite science experience was when I was sampling big sagebrush on a mesa in northern Arizona and got to…
My favorite science experience was when I was sampling big sagebrush on a mesa in northern Arizona and got to see my first mountain lion.
I like being a scientist because I get to investigate wildland fire. Wildland fire is one of nature’s most awesome…
I like being a scientist because I get to investigate wildland fire. Wildland fire is one of nature’s most awesome forces. Through research I learn how it can be harnessed...