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Hi – I’m Shelly Witt! I’ve worked for the U.S. Forest Service for more than 30 years and lived in…
Shelly Witt
Hi – I’m Shelly Witt! I’ve worked for the U.S. Forest Service for more than 30 years and lived in Washington, D.C., Utah, and Washington (the state). I work with...
Greetings from the Great Land! I’m Dave Schmid and I’m the Regional Forester for the Alaska Region of the U.S.…
Dave Schmid
Greetings from the Great Land! I’m Dave Schmid and I’m the Regional Forester for the Alaska Region of the U.S. Forest Service. We steward the nation’s two largest national forests...
Greg is a Hydrologist at the Prescott National Forest in Arizona. He provides watershed, water quality and water quantity information…
Greg Olsen
Greg is a Hydrologist at the Prescott National Forest in Arizona. He provides watershed, water quality and water quantity information to the Forest Rangers. Arizona forests have a wide range...
Mike works in Hydrology at the U.S. Forest Service where he spends his days protecting watershed health and helping the…
Mike Eberle
Mike works in Hydrology at the U.S. Forest Service where he spends his days protecting watershed health and helping the National Forests produce quality waters. He’s been active in water...
Eric directs the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay’s forest conservation program. He advocates for planting trees and keeping forests healthy…
Eric Sprague
Eric directs the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay’s forest conservation program. He advocates for planting trees and keeping forests healthy because they provide residents with multiple benefits all at the...
Chris has been interested in water since his first canoe trip in the Boundary Waters when he was 10 years…
Chris Carlson
Chris has been interested in water since his first canoe trip in the Boundary Waters when he was 10 years old. Chris has studied or worked on water resources for...
Lizandra Nieves-Rivera is the Forest Soil Scientist for the Willamette National Forest in Springfield, OR. In this role, she is…
Lizandra Nieves-Rivera
Lizandra Nieves-Rivera is the Forest Soil Scientist for the Willamette National Forest in Springfield, OR. In this role, she is responsible for assessing and protecting soil, and geological resources. Lizandra...
Ben Miller is a karst hydrologist working with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Lower Mississippi-Gulf Water Science Center in Nashville,…
Ben Miller
Ben Miller is a karst hydrologist working with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Lower Mississippi-Gulf Water Science Center in Nashville, Tennessee. Ben has an undergraduate degree from the University of...
Dr. Callie Schweitzer is a research forester who asks questions about how to predict tree growth and which species grow…
Callie Schweitzer
Dr. Callie Schweitzer is a research forester who asks questions about how to predict tree growth and which species grow best.
Dr. Quin Holifield is a soil scientist who asks questions about how soil affects the health of plants and animals.…
Quin Holifield
Dr. Quin Holifield is a soil scientist who asks questions about how soil affects the health of plants and animals. She wants to know if organisms living in the soil...