Welcome to our website’s resource library, where we offer an extensive collection of free science materials tailored for K-12 students. Dive into a wealth of educational resources including articles, activities, lesson plans, learning modules, and much more. All materials are free to download!
Nature Educator I teach people to learn, enjoy, and care about our lands. I want people to explore nature. Nature…
Woodsy Owl, Nature Educator (K-2)
Nature Educator I teach people to learn, enjoy, and care about our lands. I want people to explore nature. Nature is everywhere! Find it in a forest. Find it in...
M.S., Yale University USDA Forest Service An environmental educator is like a translator. We work with scientists to understand the…
Heidi McAllister, Environmental Educator
M.S., Yale University USDA Forest Service An environmental educator is like a translator. We work with scientists to understand the natural world, and then we put scientific concepts into everyday...
M.S., University of Maryland USDA Forest Service As an environmental educator working on the Artemis Moon Trees project, I get…
Rachel Bayer, Environmental Educator
M.S., University of Maryland USDA Forest Service As an environmental educator working on the Artemis Moon Trees project, I get to create experiences that encourage individuals to learn more about...