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Ph. D., University of California-Irvine USDA Forest Service Scientist As a research general engineer, I study things such as chemical…
JY Zhu, Research General Engineer
Ph. D., University of California-Irvine USDA Forest Service Scientist As a research general engineer, I study things such as chemical and biochemical engineering, wood and fiber science, and bioenergy.
Ph.D., Michigan Technological University USDA Forest Service Scientist A research engineer studies the wood quality of raw forest materials, such…
Xiping Wang, Research Engineer
Ph.D., Michigan Technological University USDA Forest Service Scientist A research engineer studies the wood quality of raw forest materials, such as trees, stems and logs.
Ph.D., Washington State University USDA Forest Service Scientist Research engineers work on problems in a variety of areas. We work…
Bob Ross, Research Engineer
Ph.D., Washington State University USDA Forest Service Scientist Research engineers work on problems in a variety of areas. We work on everything from how a piece of material behaves when...
Ph.D., Auburn University USDA Forest Service Scientist Engineers study many different areas. My area is forest operations, or more simply…
Dana Mitchell, Research Engineer
Ph.D., Auburn University USDA Forest Service Scientist Engineers study many different areas. My area is forest operations, or more simply put, logging management.
B.S., Virginia Tech USDA Forest Service Scientist As a project manager and engineer, my job is to balance all the…
Nora Gamino, Project Manager & Engineer
B.S., Virginia Tech USDA Forest Service Scientist As a project manager and engineer, my job is to balance all the different aspects of construction projects. That includes managing the budget,...
In my research, I switch between science and engineering. I get excited when our detailed, difficult measurements of the water…
Roger Bales
In my research, I switch between science and engineering. I get excited when our detailed, difficult measurements of the water cycle are successful and provide insight to predict how the...