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Ph.D., University of New Hampshire USDA Forest Service Scientist I monitor health of forests by measuring the content of stress-related…
Rakesh Minocha, Ecophysiologist
Ph.D., University of New Hampshire USDA Forest Service Scientist I monitor health of forests by measuring the content of stress-related compounds (biochemcial indicators) in the way doctors use cholesterol and...
As a tree ecophysiologist, I study the various functions of trees in relation to the area in which they are…
Chelcy Ford-Miniat
As a tree ecophysiologist, I study the various functions of trees in relation to the area in which they are growing. One aspect of my research that I enjoy more...
“I like being a scientist because it is fun to ask questions, solve problems, and discover new information about plants…
Anna Schoettle
“I like being a scientist because it is fun to ask questions, solve problems, and discover new information about plants and ecosystems.” “My favorite science experience is exploring the relationships...