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M.S. Forest Ecology, Colorado State University USDA Forest Service Scientist A dendroecologist uses tree rings to reconstruct climate, disturbances (including…
Laurie Stroh Huckaby, Dendroecologist
M.S. Forest Ecology, Colorado State University USDA Forest Service Scientist A dendroecologist uses tree rings to reconstruct climate, disturbances (including human land use), and other factors that influence tree growth.
My favorite science experience was certainly the earliest I can remember. I grew up on the Navajo Indian Reservation in…
Peter Brown
My favorite science experience was certainly the earliest I can remember. I grew up on the Navajo Indian Reservation in northern Arizona. When I was in second grade, I rode...
My favorite science experience is solving ecological puzzles about past wildland fires using tree rings. Just as when I was…
Emily Heyerdahl
My favorite science experience is solving ecological puzzles about past wildland fires using tree rings. Just as when I was a young woman, I like being outside all summer collecting...