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Anita works for the Forest Service in the Washington DC office where she manages water and aquatic resources. When she…
Anita Thompkins
Anita works for the Forest Service in the Washington DC office where she manages water and aquatic resources. When she is not in the office, she spends her time recreating...
I like being a scientist because I learned the building blocks of how things work in the natural world around…
Laurie Tysdal
I like being a scientist because I learned the building blocks of how things work in the natural world around us. Now I can figure out new things on my...
B.S., California State University USDA Forest Service A civil engineer works with others to identify solutions to problems that occur…
Jonathan Pacheco, Civil Engineer
B.S., California State University USDA Forest Service A civil engineer works with others to identify solutions to problems that occur in the forests.
B.S. University of Alaska, Fairbanks USDA Forest Service Scientist As a Forest Service engineer, I manage the built environment, including…
Michael Balen – Civil, Mining, & Geological Engineer
B.S. University of Alaska, Fairbanks USDA Forest Service Scientist As a Forest Service engineer, I manage the built environment, including the roads, bridges, and facilities, that connect people to the...