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One of my favorite science experiences happened during my first field ecology job. I was working for the USDA Forest…
Alexandra Contosta
One of my favorite science experiences happened during my first field ecology job. I was working for the USDA Forest Service in the White Mountains of New Hampshire and Maine....
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology USDA Forest Service Scientist Although an inorganic chemist by training, I have spent my career…
Alan Rudie, Inorganic Chemist
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology USDA Forest Service Scientist Although an inorganic chemist by training, I have spent my career working on the science of wood pulping and bleaching to...
Ph.D., Clark Atlanta University USDA Forest Service Scientist Chemists have no limitations. We must be multifaceted to create, isolate, and…
Roderquita K. Moore, Research Chemist
Ph.D., Clark Atlanta University USDA Forest Service Scientist Chemists have no limitations. We must be multifaceted to create, isolate, and characterize while utilizing a variety of chemicals and instrumentation.
I am most interested in understanding how climate change is affecting watersheds. A watershed is an area of land from…
Myron Mitchell
I am most interested in understanding how climate change is affecting watersheds. A watershed is an area of land from which all of the water drains into one stream or...
My favorite science experience was witnessing the spring thaw on the Yukon River in Alaska. This is called an “ice-out.”…
Rob Spencer
My favorite science experience was witnessing the spring thaw on the Yukon River in Alaska. This is called an “ice-out.” When the ice melts, it is like a river of...
My favorite science experience is being able to climb around on the glaciers in the Juneau (Alaska) Icefield as part…
Eran Hood
My favorite science experience is being able to climb around on the glaciers in the Juneau (Alaska) Icefield as part of my research.
My favorite science experience is going out to one of my field sites and finding several chewed salmon carcasses and…
Jason Fellman
My favorite science experience is going out to one of my field sites and finding several chewed salmon carcasses and bear footprints as big as my head!
My favorite science experience was hiking along the Waipi‘o Valley rim in the cloud forest to collect samples from the…
Tracy Wiegner
My favorite science experience was hiking along the Waipi‘o Valley rim in the cloud forest to collect samples from the streams dropping into the valley. I lay in the streambed...
I like being a scientist because I want to understand the impact of human activities on the global environment.
Wei Min Hao
I like being a scientist because I want to understand the impact of human activities on the global environment.
I like being a fire scientist because big fires are almost always exciting.