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Howdy all, my name is Tyler Johnson and I am a botanist, which if you don’t know means that I…
Tyler Johnson
Howdy all, my name is Tyler Johnson and I am a botanist, which if you don’t know means that I am a scientist that works with plants. I have worked...
My favorite science experience was working on large-scale research burns. First of all, it is a blast to see the…
Scott Pokswinski
My favorite science experience was working on large-scale research burns. First of all, it is a blast to see the work of managing prescribed fire on a large scale, and...
My most awe-inspiring moment as a scientist came when walking deep into an old-growth forest just a few weeks after…
Jane E. Smith
My most awe-inspiring moment as a scientist came when walking deep into an old-growth forest just a few weeks after a severe wildfire had killed all of the trees. The...
Ph.D., North Carolonia State University USDA Forest Service Scientist Mycologists explore a diverse range of problems relating to the fungal…
D. Jean Lodge, Research Botanist & Mycologist
Ph.D., North Carolonia State University USDA Forest Service Scientist Mycologists explore a diverse range of problems relating to the fungal kingdom, including their diversity, classification, their roles in sustaining or...
B.S., Oregon State University USDA Forest Service As a botanist, I focus on the identification and management of native plants…
Christina Mead, Botanist & Invasive Species Coordinator
B.S., Oregon State University USDA Forest Service As a botanist, I focus on the identification and management of native plants and their communities as well as management of invasive species...
Botanist and Ecologist: My favorite science experience is finding out what causes different species to live in different areas worldwide.…
Hong Qian
Botanist and Ecologist: My favorite science experience is finding out what causes different species to live in different areas worldwide. One of the most interesting questions is what causes the...
I like being a scientist because I do a little bit of everything. My background has allowed me to travel,…
Peter Weaver
I like being a scientist because I do a little bit of everything. My background has allowed me to travel, work in different cultures, learn new languages, and work with...