Welcome to our website’s resource library, where we offer an extensive collection of free science materials tailored for K-12 students. Dive into a wealth of educational resources including articles, activities, lesson plans, learning modules, and much more. All materials are free to download!
My favorite science experience is discovering the secret worlds of animals. Many animals, like bats, are hard to find–they often…
Brent Sewall
My favorite science experience is discovering the secret worlds of animals. Many animals, like bats, are hard to find–they often are small, fly fast, move around in the dark, vocalize...
J.D., Franklin Pierce Law Center USDA Forest Service Scientist A patent attorney works with scientists/engineers (in my case Forest Services…
Janet Stockhausen, Biologist & Patent Attorney
J.D., Franklin Pierce Law Center USDA Forest Service Scientist A patent attorney works with scientists/engineers (in my case Forest Services scientists/engineers) on their technical developments/inventions to determine if they should...
My favorite science experience is installing new scientific equipment and sensors on experimental sites. New sensors allow me to see…
Samuel Moya
My favorite science experience is installing new scientific equipment and sensors on experimental sites. New sensors allow me to see more accurate results using graphics and statistical methods.
My favorite science experience is studying Earth’s environment from space.
“[One of] my favorite science experience[s] has been working on the Mount St. Helens volcano since its explosive eruption in…
Bob Parmenter
“[One of] my favorite science experience[s] has been working on the Mount St. Helens volcano since its explosive eruption in 1980. In the early years after the eruption, the roads...