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Ph.D., (student) Northern Arizona University USDA Forest Service Scientist Biological scientists study many different types of organisms from endangered birds…
Serra J. Hoagland, Biological Scientist
Ph.D., (student) Northern Arizona University USDA Forest Service Scientist Biological scientists study many different types of organisms from endangered birds to large predators. We study wildlife populations and their habitat...
M.S., University of Idaho USDA Forest Service A seed scientist studies the structure and development of seeds until germination of…
Kayla Herriman, Biological Scientist & Seed Extractory Manager
M.S., University of Idaho USDA Forest Service A seed scientist studies the structure and development of seeds until germination of a new plant. For the Moon Trees project, I was...
B.S., University of Nebraska USDA Forest Service My job is to help plants grow. At the oldest Federal tree nursery,…
Richard Gilbert, Biological Scientist & Nursery Manager
B.S., University of Nebraska USDA Forest Service My job is to help plants grow. At the oldest Federal tree nursery, we produce 1.5 million seedlings and 1.5 million container trees...
M.S., Virginia Tech USDA Forest Service Scientist A biological scientist is a jack of all trades. I work with other…
Michael Gavazzi, Biological Scientist
M.S., Virginia Tech USDA Forest Service Scientist A biological scientist is a jack of all trades. I work with other researchers in diverse disciplines to study forest ecosystems response to...
M.S., Alabama A&M University USDA Forest Service Scientist As a biological scientist, I study environmental processes related to how human…
Johnny Boggs, Biological Scientist
M.S., Alabama A&M University USDA Forest Service Scientist As a biological scientist, I study environmental processes related to how human and forest management activities will impact water and air quality.
Ph. D., Florida A&M University USDA Forest Service Scientist A biological scientist explores the interaction between the natural systems (e.g.…
Viniece Jennings, Biological Scientist
Ph. D., Florida A&M University USDA Forest Service Scientist A biological scientist explores the interaction between the natural systems (e.g. living and nonliving) and humans.
Biological scientists study many different types of organisms from endangered birds to large predators. We study wildlife populations and their…
Serra Hoagland
Biological scientists study many different types of organisms from endangered birds to large predators. We study wildlife populations and their habitat to help conserve them for future generations!
My favorite science experience is collecting forest monitoring data. My favorite place to collect data is on the permanent Forest…
Ashley Lehman
My favorite science experience is collecting forest monitoring data. My favorite place to collect data is on the permanent Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) plots in the mangrove forests in...