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Ph.D., University of Arizona USDA Forest Service Scientist A forester/anthropologist studies the diversity of ways that people talk about, value,…
John Schelhas, Forester & Anthropologist
Ph.D., University of Arizona USDA Forest Service Scientist A forester/anthropologist studies the diversity of ways that people talk about, value, and use trees and forests.
Ph.D., Stanford University USDA Forest Service Scientist Anthropology is the study of people and their culture in both the past…
Susan Charnley, Research Social Scientist
Ph.D., Stanford University USDA Forest Service Scientist Anthropology is the study of people and their culture in both the past and present. My focus is environmental anthropology, which is the...
Some of my favorite science experiences are listening to older people talk about the way things were in the past…
Carol Raish
Some of my favorite science experiences are listening to older people talk about the way things were in the past when they were young. I also love to travel to...