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What are urban forests? Urban forests are the trees and other plants that grow where people live, go to school,…
Urban Forest – Vol. 6 No. 1
What are urban forests? Urban forests are the trees and other plants that grow where people live, go to school, work, and play. Even if you live in a rural…
The scientists in this study were asked to determine the current status of urban forests in the United States.
Made in the Shade: The Current Situation and Possible Future of U.S. Urban Forests
The scientists in this study were asked to determine the current status of urban forests in the United States. -
The scientists in this study were asked to determine the current status of urban forests in the United States.
Made in the Shade: The Current Situation and Possible Future of U.S. Urban Forests (Spanish)
The scientists in this study were asked to determine the current status of urban forests in the United States. -
Nancy Falxa Sonti, Urban Forest Ecologist
Forests & Plants- Ph.D., University of Maryland
- USDA Forest Service Scientist
- An urban forest ecologist studies the interactions between trees, people, and their environment in the city.
- Ph.D., University of Maryland
- USDA Forest Service Scientist
- An urban forest ecologist studies the interactions between trees, people, and their environment in the city.
Too much carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere is mostly caused by two things: burning fossil fuels and the loss…
Balancing Act: Urban Trees and the Carbon Cycle
Too much carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere is mostly caused by two things: burning fossil fuels and the loss of trees. Urban trees help to keep urban areas cooler,... -
Chemicals from auto emissions, industrial processes, and urban development are found in most urban areas. Two of the chemicals found…
Sediment-al Journey: Measuring Metal Concentrations in Soil Beside Urban Waterways
Chemicals from auto emissions, industrial processes, and urban development are found in most urban areas. Two of the chemicals found most abundantly in urban areas are calcium and lead. The... -
The scientists in this study wanted to know three things: (1) Do visitors’ activities and reasons for using urban parks…
Where the Sidewalk Ends – Visitor Use of Natural and Landscaped Areas in Urban Parks
The scientists in this study wanted to know three things: (1) Do visitors’ activities and reasons for using urban parks vary between landscaped and natural areas of New York City... -
Is there a point when a tree doesn’t hold enough carbon to make up for the emissions released to care…
Balancing Act – Climate Change Monograph Series Vol. 1 No. 3
Is there a point when a tree doesn’t hold enough carbon to make up for the emissions released to care for the tree? Scientists in this study want to know…
People visit parks to do many different activities, such as play basketball, baseball, sunbathe, swim, walk, picnic, or go bicycling.…
Social Groupies: How Different Groups Use Urban Parks
People visit parks to do many different activities, such as play basketball, baseball, sunbathe, swim, walk, picnic, or go bicycling. If park managers know what people like to do in... -
In this lesson plan, students will assess the biological diversity of trees on their school grounds or another designated area.…
Lesson Plan – Urban Forests
In this lesson plan, students will assess the biological diversity of trees on their school grounds or another designated area. Students will be able to: observe identify, measure, transform, and...