BreadcrumbHome » Resources » Word Search – Yard Sale! Word Search – Yard Sale! ActivityMiddle SchoolSocial Science...EconomicsTree CanopyTree CoverVocabulary... Test your knowledge of economics and tree cover with a word search. English Download Word Search (PDF) English Answer Key (PDF) Part Of Yard Sale! How Trees Affect the Selling Price of Houses Explore Full Article ContentGlossary Download PDF Glossary View All Glossary aerial(er ē ǝl): Of, relating to, or occurring in the air or atmosphere. average(av (ǝ) rij): A value that is computed by dividing the sum of a set of terms by the number of terms. canopy(ka nə pē): A protective covering: such as, the uppermost spreading branchy layer of a forest. dissertation(di sǝr tā shǝn): An extended usually written treatment of a subject, specifically one submitted for a doctorate. economic(ek ǝ nä mik): Of, relating to, or based on the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. equation(i kwā zhǝn): A statement of the equality of two mathematical expressions. habitat(ha bә tat): The place or environment where a plant or animal naturally or normally lives and grows. indicator(in dǝ kā tǝr): Something that acts as a sign, symptom, or index of. natural resource(na ch(ǝ) rǝl rē sȯrs): A feature or phenomenon in nature that enhances the quality of human life. relationship(ri lā shǝn ship): The state of being connected through a relation that is known or can be discovered.