(fyü mi gənt): A substance used in fumigating, which is applying smoke, vapor, or gas especially for the purpose of disinfecting or of destroying pests.
(fyü mǝ gā shǝn): The process of applying smoke, vapor, or gas to something especially for the purpose of disinfecting or of destroying pests.
(fǝn jǝ sīd): A substance that destroys fungi or inhibits their growth.
((h)ər bə sīd): A substance used to destroy or slow plant growth.
methyl bromide
(me thəl brō mīd): A poisonous gaseous compound used chiefly as a fumigant against rodents, worms, and insects.
(nǝr s(ǝ) rē): A place where plants (like trees or shrubs) are grown for transplanting, for use as stocks in grafting, or for sale.
ozone layer
(ō zōn lā ər): A layer of the Earth’s atmosphere at heights of about 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 kilometers) that is normally characterized by high ozone content which blocks most of the sun’s ultraviolet radiation from entry into the lower atmosphere.
(kwes chǝ ner): A set of questions for obtaining statistically useful or personal information from individuals.