(kǝm plek sǝ tē): Something that is complex, or hard to separate, analyze, or solve.
(də brē): The remains of something broken down or destroyed.
(den(t)s): (1) Marked by closeness or crowding together of parts; (2) having a high mass per unit of volume.
(drā nij): (1) The act or process of draining something; (2) an area or district drained.
(lan(d) skāp) verb: To make changes to improve the appearance of an area of land. noun: The visual land, such as trees, water, and sky
(mä dǝl): (noun): (1) Type or kind; (2) a system of postulates, data, and inferences presented as a mathematical description of an entity or state of affairs.
(verb): To make a simplified copy or representation of something to help aid understanding.
(näk tər nəl): Active at night.
prescribed burn
(pri skrībed bərn): Controlled fires used to improve forest habitat.
(sim yǝ lāt): To make an imitation (or copy or model) by one system or process of the way in which another system or process works.
(tǝ päg rǝ fē): The shape and height and depth of the features of a place.
(wī(ǝ)l(d) land): An area in which few or no people live that is not used for farming and is more or less in its natural state.