Before & After: A Look at Our Land (Land Use History of Jones County, GA) (Spanish)

Much of what humans do depends on the land that we live on. No matter how much humans change the land, it is still important to understand the history and characteristics of land. If scientists can help us understand how our activities have impacted the land, we can act more carefully in the future to protect the health of the land. The scientists in this article studied the history of land use in Jones County, Georgia.
This is the Spanish-language version of this article.

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Standards addressed in this Article:
Social Studies Standards
Social Studies Standards are educational guidelines outlining the essential knowledge, skills, and concepts students should learn in subjects such as history, geography, civics, and economics, aiming to provide a comprehensive understanding of societal structures, historical events, and global perspectives.
- People, Places, and Environments
- Production, Distribution, and Consumption
- Science, Technology, and Society
- Time, Continuity, and Change