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Meet Dr. Hoagland!

PDF preview of Meet Dr. Hoagland featuring an illustration of Woodsy Owl standing next to Dr. Hoagland holding a clipboard and wearing binoculars

Woodsy Owl would like you to meet Dr. Hoagland, a biological scientist and Tribal relations specialist at the Rocky Mountain Research Station, in "Meet Dr. Hoagland!" Learn about Dr. Hoagland’s research on the Mexican spotted owl as well as her experience growing up as a member of the Laguna Pueblo. Written for students in kindergarten through second grade, this newly redesigned Reader introduces kids to the work of a scientist to help them imagine the possibilities of a career in STEM. All Natural Inquirer Readers are aligned to national science standards and include a glossary, activities, and other resources.


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Meet Dr. Hoagland! - Vol. 1 No. 11

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