By the Light of the Silvery Minnow: Can Young Minnows Be Taught About Their Natural Foods?

Many changes have occured in the Rio Grande since the 1940s that have created a river that is deeper and faster. This has created problems for the Rio Grande silvery minnow populations. The scientist in this study was interested in the natural diet of silvery minnows in an effort to help rebuild the population.

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Animals and Ecosystems of the Southwestern United States Investi-gator (Rocky Mountain Research Station) - Vol. 3 No. 1
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The question you will answer in this FACTivity is: How are diatoms important parts of an ecosystem? In this FACTivity you will create your own model of a diatom. Materials:...
FACTivity – By the Light of the Silvery Minnow
The question you will answer in this FACTivity is: How are diatoms important parts of an ecosystem? In this FACTivity you will create your own model of a diatom. Materials:...
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Hugo Magaña
My favorite science experiences are teaching about photosynthesis and studying food webs. In this photo, I was collecting algae from which I would later create pure diatom cultures. Diatoms are...View Profile
Standards addressed in this Article:
Social Studies Standards
- People, Places, and Environments
- Science, Technology, and Society
- Time, Continuity, and Change
About Investi-gator
The Investi-gator is another member of the Natural Inquirer family. The Natural Inquirer, for middle school students, and the Investi-gator, for upper elementary students, present science the way scientists most often share their research with each other. That process is the written scientific paper. Each Investi-gator article presents research conducted by Forest Service scientists and their cooperators. All the research in the Investi-gator is concerned with nature or with society’s relationship to nature.
Meet the Scientist
An introduction to the scientist or scientists who conducted the research.
Thinking About Science
A short introduction to something about the scientific process that is related to the research being presented.
Thinking About the Environment
A short introduction to something about the natural environment that is related to the research being presented.
The part of the written scientific paper that introduces the scientific problem or question the scientists wants to solve or answer.
The part of the written scientific paper that describes how the scientists collected and analyzed their data or information.
The part of the written scientific paper that describes what the scientists discovered.
The part of the written scientific paper that summarizes the research and offers any new insights.
Reflection Section
These are questions placed after the Introduction, Methods, Findings, and Discussion sections. The purpose of the questions is to help students think about what they have read.
Possible new terms you will find in the article. Glossary words are printed in bold in the article.
This is an activity that you can do in your classroom.
Education Files
Project Learning Tree
If you are a trained Project Learning Tree educator, you may use Activity #45 “Web of Life” or Activity #88 “Life on the Edge” as additional resources.