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Ph.D., University of Maine USDA Forest Service Scientist A forest ecologist studies the interrelated patterns and processes of vegetation, animals,…
Lindsey Rustad, Forest Ecologist
Ph.D., University of Maine USDA Forest Service Scientist A forest ecologist studies the interrelated patterns and processes of vegetation, animals, energy, water and nutrients in forests.
Ph.D., University of Pittsurgh USDA Forest Service Scientist Ecologists study how interactions among organisms within communities and environmental factors influence…
Alejandro Royo, Ecologist
Ph.D., University of Pittsurgh USDA Forest Service Scientist Ecologists study how interactions among organisms within communities and environmental factors influence the diversity, distribution, and dynamics of species.
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley USDA Forest Service Scientist As a research ecologist, I study the ecology of trees in…
Lara Roman, Research Ecologist
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley USDA Forest Service Scientist As a research ecologist, I study the ecology of trees in cities, towns, and suburbs.
Ph.D., University of Tennessee USDA Forest Service Scientist A restoration ecologist studies how to restore species that have experienced significant…
Leila Pinchot, Restoration Ecologist
Ph.D., University of Tennessee USDA Forest Service Scientist A restoration ecologist studies how to restore species that have experienced significant population declines. These declines are often caused by nonnative insects...
M.S., Arizona State University USDA Forest Service Scientist Ecology is the study of the relationships between organisms and their physical surroundings. …
Matthew P. Peters, Ecologist
M.S., Arizona State University USDA Forest Service Scientist Ecology is the study of the relationships between organisms and their physical surroundings. As an ecologist, I use my background in geography to examine spatial...
Ph.D., University of New Hampshire USDA Forest Service Scientist I monitor health of forests by measuring the content of stress-related…
Rakesh Minocha, Ecophysiologist
Ph.D., University of New Hampshire USDA Forest Service Scientist I monitor health of forests by measuring the content of stress-related compounds (biochemcial indicators) in the way doctors use cholesterol and...
Ph.D., North Carolonia State University USDA Forest Service Scientist Mycologists explore a diverse range of problems relating to the fungal…
D. Jean Lodge, Research Botanist & Mycologist
Ph.D., North Carolonia State University USDA Forest Service Scientist Mycologists explore a diverse range of problems relating to the fungal kingdom, including their diversity, classification, their roles in sustaining or...
Ph.D., Purdue University USDA Forest Service Scientist A plant physiologist studies the physical aspects of plants in relation to one another, such…
Shaneka S. Lawson, Research Plant Physiologist
Ph.D., Purdue University USDA Forest Service Scientist A plant physiologist studies the physical aspects of plants in relation to one another, such as color, leaf shape, and size.
Ph.D., University of Maine USDA Forest Service Scientist As a silviculturist, I study ways to sustainably manage forests for desired products…
Laura Kenefic, Silviculturist
Ph.D., University of Maine USDA Forest Service Scientist As a silviculturist, I study ways to sustainably manage forests for desired products and outcomes.
Ph.D., University of North Dakota USDA Forest Service Scientist A landscape ecologist studies how landscapes (ranging from large continents to…
Louis Iverson, Landscape Ecologist
Ph.D., University of North Dakota USDA Forest Service Scientist A landscape ecologist studies how landscapes (ranging from large continents to small fields) are put together and how they function to...