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  • Ph.D., Yale University USDA Forest Service Scientist As a molecular ecologist, I use genetic data to study how species interact,…

    Nathan Havill, Molecular Ecologist

  • Dr. Quin Holifield is a soil scientist who asks questions about how soil affects the health of plants and animals.…

    Quin Holifield

  • M.S., University of Michigan USDA Forest Service Scientist Research wildlife biologists study vertebrates and habitats they occupy to better understand…

    Mariko Yamasaki, Research Wildlife Biologist

  • Ph.D., University of Missouri-Columbia USDA Forest Service Scientist A wildlife biologist studies wild animals and their habitats to provide the…

    Frank R. Thompson III, Wildlife Biologist

  • Ph.D., Ohio State University USDA Forest Service Scientist A landscape ecologist studies how different land uses influence and shape ecological…

    Steve Matthews, Wildlife Landscape Ecologist

  • Ph.D., University of Massachusetts USDA Forest Service Scientist As an urban wildlife ecologist, I study how animals in cities interact with…

    Susannah Lerman, Research Ecologist

  • Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, Amherst USDA Forest Service Scientist Wildlife biologists study animals and how animals interact with their environment. …

    Dave King, Research Wildlife Biologist

  • Ph.D., Missouri-Columbia USDA Forest Service Scientist A wildlife ecologist studies native animal species at multiple levels of biological organization, from…

    Sybill K. Amelon, Wildlife Ecologist

  • My favorite science experiences have involved observing the positive things that can come from neighborhood greening. Greening can bring jobs…

    Michelle Kondo

  • My favorite science experience was living in New Zealand for 6 months. While I was there, I worked with scientists…

    Pamela Jakes