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  • Kristie, who grew up in Wisconsin but now calls Wyoming home, loves being active and doing anything outdoors. She prepares…

    Kristie Salzmann

  • Melissa Hill is the Live Raptor Program Manager for the Draper Museum Raptor Experience at the Buffalo Bill Center of…

    Melissa Hill

  • Originally from Texas, Heather Basak has moved around the country working for and enjoying America’s public lands. She has been…

    Heather Basak

  • Greg is a Hydrologist at the Prescott National Forest in Arizona. He provides watershed, water quality and water quantity information…

    Greg Olsen

  • Dan is National Fisheries Program Manager for the US Forest Service. Dan has been a fisheries biologist with the federal…

    Dan Shively

  • Eric directs the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay’s forest conservation program. He advocates for planting trees and keeping forests healthy…

    Eric Sprague

  • Howdy all, my name is Tyler Johnson and I am a botanist, which if you don’t know means that I…

    Tyler Johnson

  • Christy Haas-Howard oversees the development, execution, and evaluation of health initiatives related to the environment. She collaborates with the conservation…

    Christy Haas-Howard

  • Dr. Steve Taylor is a research associate with the Zoology Department, Denver Museum of Science & Nature and an Associate…

    Steve Taylor

  • Barbara Rolnick is a pediatrician at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and specializes in newborn, infant, and adolescent care. She…

    Barbara Rolnick